Slashdot Effect

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Power of the Slashdot Effect

As an avid reader and recent member of Slashdot, I feel on the outside looking in at an insulated community, a symptom of isolation endemic to most online cultures, underground and mainstream. As the forum for discussion becomes socially cemented, the possibilities for reasonable change and progress fall down the Memory Hole, and sensationalization and wit reign as rhetorical kings.

The purpose of this blog is to inspire Slashdot readers and members with the potential stored in the various social networks around the globe. As our world becomes a more integrated G-organism, humanity as a whole shall benefit when we apply our cooperative ideas and actions to the basic problems of humanity: Hunger, Diseases, War, and Death.

Let's speed up the process folks! The Power of Now is evident. If you got all slashdot readers to pitch in $20, we could own a beautiful tropical island and a financially and legally powerful s-corporation (social corporation).


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